Tag Archive | "economics"

Is SBABG prophetic or are the White House and Congress just stupid?

Monday, October 5, 2009


On August 3rd we told you exactly what would happen with the Cash for Clunkers Program and why.  Now economic data and the Wall Street Journal have confirmed our prophecy prediction. SBABG on August 3rd. Cash For Clunkers is an economically unsound program that will only make the American economic situation worse.  It transfers wealth […]

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Cash For Clunkers is a Modern-Day Version of the Broken Window Fallacy

Monday, August 3, 2009


Cash For Clunkers is an economically unsound program that will only make the American economic situation worse.  It transfers wealth from one group of people to another while simultaneously destroying real wealth and misallocating scarce capital away from its best use. To understand why this is, you need only understand the Broken Window Fallacy.

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